4-Port State Control Inspection Database EMSA
4-Port State Control Inspection Database EMSA
IMO Number 9224348
THETIS - The Hybrid European Targeting and Inspection System
EMSA has been tasked to develop, in cooperation with Member States and the European Commission, an information system in support of the New Inspection Regime stemming from the Port State Control Directive (EU) 2009/16/EC. The design and creation of an effective inspection system is crucial for the implementation of this Inspection Regime and assisting Member States with harmonization of PSC procedures, and execution thereof, through centralized storage and distribution of reports.
THETIS also caters the amendments stemming from the ROPAX Directive (EU) 2017/2110 to the Port State Control Directive (EU) 2009/16/EC.
THETIS implements all the processes and interfaces inline with the EMSA founding Regulation 1406/2002:
Assists Member States with targeting and selection of vessels for inspection through continuous profiling of seagoing ships.
Assists the Commission and Member States by providing statistics on inspection results and performance.
Monitors performance of Member States in relation to their obligations under the Directive.
Provides a system to support reporting of inspections by non-EU members party to the Paris MoU on Port State Control.
Summary of Functional Requirements:
Able to handle a minimum of 25 000 inspection a year.
Combines port call notifications received through the community system Safe Sea Net with ship particulars and inspection details in near real time.
Provides Member States on a daily basis with an accurate and up to date "Ship Risk Profile" of each ship in the system.
Provides Member States with a daily update on their compliance with the Fair Share obligation.
Supports the daily reporting, consultation and correction of inspection reports by all authorized users.
Supports reporting of inspection results on-line and remotely through synchronization.
The tool promotes ease of access, logical structure, and user guidance.
Summary of Technical Requirements:
System needs to be available 24/7, with a high grade of reliability.
User friendliness to fit non-computerized operators.
Overall response time, menu structure and graphical interface are critical elements.
Follows a Modular approach to facilitate simple and independent changes of parts following updates to legislation, technical modernization or changes requested by user communities.
Adaptable to different users in all EU Member States, at various levels of automation.
Able to handle a minimum of 3 000 fully authorized users with different roles.
Data stored and readily available for at least 4 years to facilitate proper targeting and production of rolling statistics.
Data storage capacity estimated at a minimum of 30 GByte/year.
THETIS main modules are:
A Port State Control portal: responsible for providing core functionalities exclusively to the Port State Control community.
A Mobile Client application: that allows Port State Control Officers to work in offline mode.
A Public portal: responsible for providing access to inspection results to the general public.
THETIS architectural design respects the major principles of a Service Oriented Architecture, separating services in three different tiers:
Presentation Tier: providing presentation services to users.
Business Tier: providing business services to the presentation tier and other system/components.
Data Tier: providing data services to the business tier and other components.
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